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Look Into Your Crystal Ball.

Don't you just wish there was a crystal ball you could look into that would tell you exactly what you should be doing in your career to make you happy and fulfilled? 

The crystal ball would tell you exactly what job to apply for, when the best time to apply would be, and what that job would lead you to do next.

If only... 

What would you ask though, if you could?....

Should I take this job?
Will I make more money in the future?
What path should I choose next?
Will I be happy in my next role?

Throughout my career, there were many times I wished I could have asked an external source of wisdom to guide me on my own path. A big part of what led me to found Pivot Journeys was the desire to make these questions less overwhelming and anxiety-provoking for others. 

With all the people I've worked with over the years, I've noticed that we all have a tendency to think about these big questions in our heads. Mulling it over... again... and again. And the more we think, the more anxiety builds up.

We talk with others, but often don't have the key questions, self-awareness tools, and exercises that actually bring us to the point where we can figure out our next steps and move forward. 

So while we can't offer you a crystal ball on your future, we have a workshop that helps you clarify the options in front of you, what you're uniquely suited for, and how those options might impact your life moving forward. 

It's called our Career Mapping workshop.

And we've got one coming up.

Read more & register here. 

No one is going to predict your future, but you can take the first step in figuring it out with this fun workshop.