Life Design Series

Building a Meaningful Life.

  • Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with creating a career and life that’s meaningful and makes you happy?

  • Do you look around at others who seem to be doing what they love and wonder how they figured it out and got there?

  • Have traditional job seeking strategies not lead you to the kind of work that you’re excited about?


It’s time for a different approach to building a happy and fulfilling life and career.

Our Life Design Series consists of six conversations and exercise-heavy sessions aimed at challenging you to think about your life differently and test out new ways of approaching your decisions.

Topics and exercises borrowed from Stanford's Bill Burnett and Dave Evans, and their Designing Your Life book provide the backdrop to a remarkably positive and doable approach to career and life planning. 

Whether you're interested in re-evaluating or charting new career or life choices, you'll apply design thinking techniques to tackle your big questions in a fun and collaborative way. 

You'll walk away with a fresh approach, tools, momentum, and a community of new connections that enrich your perspective and creativity to help you move forward. 


“The reframe for the question ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ is this:

‘Who or what do you want to grow into?’

Life is all about growth and change. It’s not static. It’s not about some destination. It’s not about answering the question once and for all and then it’s all done.



This series had an enormous impact on my life….It really opened my mind and provided tools to move forward.


“The series had an enormous impact on my life. When I first started the program, I was stuck in my life and my career, and thinking, ‘Oh my gosh, I’m 43 years old, where am I going?!’ And then I met this very interesting group of people with diverse backgrounds and ages, all going through exactly what I was. We worked together to find opportunities available to me I never would have imagined. It really opened my mind and provided tools to really experiment with new opportunities and move forward.”


“I would encourage anyone - in any part of your career, whether you think you have it all figured out, or you’re still kind of searching for answers to do the Life Design Series. It’s a great opportunity to benchmark, take a step back and really see where you are in your life, and where you want to continue to grow in the future.”



Session Topics Include:

  • Your Personal Dashboard

  • Defining your Ideal Work and Life Vision

  • Ideation with Mind Mapping

  • Creating Multiple 5-Year Plans for your Career

  • Building Forward & Creating Prototypes

  • Group Mastermind

  • Weekly Goal Setting

What’s Included:

  • 6 two+-hour engaging, small group sessions

  • 75-minute private coaching session to go deeper

  • Designing Your Life book

  • Digital Life Design Workbook

  • Access to the Pivot network of past Life Design Series participants

  • Unlimited email access for feedback and support

Application Process & Investment:

After filling out the application below, we’ll schedule a brief call to answer questions and make sure the series is a fit

Dates & Location:

Stay tuned for upcoming dates.


Apply for the Next Series:


 The course has helped me find a new job, and it’s a better fit for me. And I now have a new toolset in life to help me make “big life decisions”.


“I knew I wanted to find a new career that was a better fit. In the past, I’d made career decisions for lots of different reasons and I wanted to get back in touch with my own personal motivators, beliefs and desires, and make decisions from a place of self-understanding. With the help of my amazing cohort, that’s exactly what I’ve been able to do.

I’ve gained incredibly supportive friends and coaches who have helped me explore and encouraged me to try things out. I’ve gotten a much richer understanding of both career paths that interest me through prototyping conversations, and a plan to get there over the next few weeks and months.

Something that’s truly been life changing for me is approaching my life from a “design” perspective - realizing that it’s really ok to try things out and there’s a way to do so that allows me to continually “build forward”. It’s helped me bring a much more positive energy to my life and I’m already experiencing wonderful changes.

The course has helped me find a new job, and it’s a better fit for me. And I now have a new toolset in life to help me make “big life decisions”.

What’s so great about the life design framework is it gives you a way to think about how to approach what’s next so you can move forward confidently instead of getting stuck in analysis paralysis - that was exactly what I needed.”



What you’ll gain:

  • A new toolkit for re-imagining and creating a more meaningful life and career.

  • Clear, tangible next steps to explore and work towards future career paths.

  • Less anxiety and stress when working towards your next career move.

  • A digital workbook with reflections and exercises that you can continue to use throughout your career.

  • A Design Team of peers, ready and excited to support you and provide reflective feedback.

  • A copy of the New York Times #1 Bestseller book, Designing your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life.

  • Renewed energy and enthusiasm for connecting with people on your journey.

    This is for you if:

  • You know it’s time to think through the next phase of your career (and life!) and don’t know where to start.

  • You have a number of ideas for what you’d like to do next, but need a framework for evaluating them and choosing wisely.

  • You’re ready to do some deep thinking about what makes you happy and gives you meaning.

  • You’ve got an open mind and are interested in exploring your options and trying things out - not giving a reason why each option wouldn’t work.

  • You are interested in both supporting others on their journey and are hungry for input on your own.

Join the Next Series:

It will motivate you to take action and move your life forward.


“My biggest takeaway from the series was that it’s possible to do what has been in my mind for so long. The group always had ideas or thoughts I didn’t think of! If you are ready to make changes personally or professionally, this is the program to do. It will motivate you to take action and move your life forward.”


“I really enjoyed this series. I tend to stay in my head most of the time, thinking things over, so this design-thinking approach to my career was sort of a revelation for me. The group discussions and getting input from others was so valuable.
It was great!”